
The Nguuni Sanctuary and the Baobab Trust are non-profit organisations and so rely on the generosity of individual donors, volunteers and charitable trusts and foundations to fund its projects and to ensure Nguuni remains a safe and thriving environment for both people and nature. Donations make a huge difference in scaling up our impact. 

By donating today, you can support our mission to conserve wildlife, restore degraded landscapes and educate communities on healthy and sustainable living.


Volunteers & Students

Volunteers & Students 

Openings exist for volunteers and students to spend time at the Trust on the understanding that they will undertake research in areas outlined by Dr. Haller for the Baobab Trust. A scientific background is usually necessary and students studying plant or animal sciences will find many opportunities to broaden their practical experience. Applicants are required to submit a letter of reference from their school/university. Guidance will be provided in weekly meetings with Dr. Haller or the head of the project. Each student will be required to produce a written analysis of the project at the end of the period.

There are occasionally opportunities for students of architecture to spend some time volunteering with the Baobab Trust. Accommodation is provided by Baobab Trust for which there is a small charge – in simple and secure cottages. Rooms are clean, furnished and have running water and electricity. Volunteers are responsible for their own living and travel expenses. If you are interested in volunteering with the Trust, please contact Sonal Singh at the Baobab Trust. 

Sonal Singh: